Ministries at Hope West Melton


Mission comes from the heart of God. He is a God who loves all people and desires to have a vital relationship with them. God’s Word makes it very clear that mission is not something new: God’s purpose, as expressed to Abraham is that all the people of the earth would be blessed. We believe that God has called all his people to be involved in this task, but we recognise that each one has a different role that includes either going, or supporting those who go.

Hope Worldwide is the expression of how Hope Presbyterian Church believes God wants us to be involved in His plan to reach the unreached peoples of the world and be a blessing to them.

Each Hope church site has its own HWW Team. Their role is to keep their congregations in contact with the work in their country of focus. Also, to raise awareness of ‘pressure points’ around the world that we can pray into. The HWW team wants to be informative and inspirational in growing awareness of the unreached parts of the world, helping to grow in us a heart for the wider world. We facilitate events several times a year to inspire, inform and grow our faith, and catch a glimpse of God’s heart for those who have never heard the Gospel.

There are many at Hope West Melton who have an interest in what God is doing around the world. Some of us have been involved in either short or long term Christian service abroad; others are part of the support networks here that enable others to go, including prayer, supporting friends working abroad, sponsorship, and many other ways.

You could be part of this by:

  • Joining with others who are interested in mission worldwide.

  • Choosing to receive regular news emails from any of these areas.

  • Encouraging prayer for Worldwide mission in your Growth Groups.

  • Attending occasional mission focus events, HWW Weekends, or occasional home meetings.

  • Borrowing some of the missionary biographies from the HWM church library in the foyer.

  • Joining our HWW Team, and helping us grow a strong DNA for mission in our church.

  • Becoming a short term volunteer, or joining a small team to visit the workers we support.

  • Growing your knowledge of how mission is changing and become part of meeting the challenges into the future.

Ben and Elspeth Kong