Welcome to Hope
Hey there, thanks for checking us out! We know it can be a little intimidating to visit a church for the first time, so let’s make this as stress-free as possible!
Hope offers a friendly environment where you can easily connect with others, make new friends, and feel right at home. We strive to foster spiritual connections and genuine relationships, and remain dedicated to the teachings of the Bible. We regularly run New @ Hope events to give those who are new an opportunity to get to know us and find out more.
Whether you are new to Christianity, new to Hope, or just new to the area, we would love the opportunity to connect with you. Have a look through our website, stalk us on Facebook, watch our sermons on YouTube, or better yet – come visit us on a Sunday – we would love to meet you and our hospitality is best experienced in person!
If you have any questions, you might find the answer in our FAQ further down the page, or in our Welcome Books which can be downloaded here. Otherwise please don’t hesitate to give us a call on 03 980 2296, or an email at info@hopechurch.net.nz.
Visit our Locations page to find out when and where our services are.
Fill out our online Connect Card to let us know how we can help.
Email us to find out when the next New @ Hope event is running.
Many questions get asked by visitors to church, newcomers to town, and friends and neighbours of our members. Here’s a list of questions that may help you get to know Hope Presbyterian a bit better.
We have Sunday morning, Sunday evening, and mid week services available! See a full list of our services times here.
We are one church at four different locations in the South West of Christchurch. Our sites are Hornby, Rolleston, West Melton and Halkett. Find us on the map here.
Every service differs slightly, but generally our services are about 60-75 minutes long. Feel free to stay after the service to connect and enjoy a hot drink with friends.
From the moment you arrive you’ll be greeted by people who are happy to see you! Sunday services are designed to be enjoyed, and not endured, offering Bible-based messages that are engaging and relevant to people today. It’s a casual and friendly environment where everyone is welcome, and everyone can belong.
Our gatherings generally begin with a time of sung worship, followed by a message, and ending with a time of responding to God, where you can worship a little more, receive prayer, pray for others, or just relax and observe.
We enjoy live music as part of our worship to God. Our services have a mixture of modern, vibrant music, as well as traditional hymns. Check out our YouTube playlist for a range of songs we love.
We are a Presbyterian Church and member of the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand (PCANZ). You can read our Statement of Faith here.