Women at Hope Rolleston

Haere mai!

Kia ora and welcome to Hope Rolleston Women.

Throughout the year there are many ways to connect with gatherings, social events, bible studies, retreats and more - see below for what we have planned.

Our Mission: Encourage, equip and support women.
Our Vision: To provide opportunities for women to connect with one another and with God.

That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither -
whatever they do prospers
.” Psalm 1:3

Amanda Graves

Women’s Ministry Leader

Upcoming Events

This is our chance for all Women to have connection, community, relationship and growth with God & each other. Preschoolers are also very welcome.
We meet at 9:30am at Hope Rolleston every second Wednesday.
Contact: Salena Schaeffer

Social Events
We regularly catch up with a theme of some kind to share, connect and enjoy some food, a movie or something else. For upcoming events, check the list at the bottom of the page.

Informal coffee connections:

  • Tuesday mornings 10am - 12pm for morning tea.

  • Tuesday evenings 7pm - Coffee & Cake. This is at Coffee Culture Rolleston.
    Contact: Chris Parker.

Stop, take a breath and catch up with other women. Upcoming dates will be available soon:

Contact: Jemma Reynolds

Mosaic Contact:
Salena Schaeffer